quarta-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2012

O relato dos Tinariwen, escondidos no mato

O surto de violência que eclodiu na semana passada na região de Tombuctu, no nordeste do Mali, apanhou de surpresa, e da pior maneira, muitos dos habitantes daquela região, que se têm vistos obrigados a abandonar em massa as suas casas. No meio do conflito estão os Tinariwen que deram hoje o seu testemunho da situação, via facebook:
‎"Hi everyone. Soon after the uprising broke out last week, people started leaving the centre of our home villages, to avoid any fighting between the rebels and the Malian army. We've been out here in the bush, for quite a few days, with many women, children and old people. Some of us are suffering from hunger and the terrible cold. It's really very very cold at night around this time of year. Things are tough for sure, but everyone is holding up. Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and prayers for us. Keeping sending them. We really hope that everything is going to be ok. Thanks, Tinariwen."

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